The Country Report by the CC of the Communist Party of India (ML) Red Star. - 2021 Dec 11 

US behind Australian military expedition into Solomons - 2021 Nov 29 

Japan set to double military budget and redefine its military’s role - 2021 Oct 27 

Japan’s new Prime Minister – where will he take the country? - 2021 Oct 04 

Rally to stop AUKUS-strating for war - 2021 Sep 24 

More signs of regional war drive - 2021 Sep 17 

Winds of change for Peru? - 2021 Sep 04 

You've got the watches, we've got the time - The US failure in Afghanistan - 2021 Sep 02 

RAWA Responds to the Taliban Takeover - 2021 Aug 26 

Nicaragua – still in the sights of the US imperialists - 2021 Aug 25 

Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan latest statement - 2021 Aug 23 

US invasion force leaves as Taliban enter Kabul - 2021 Aug 16 

US imperialism not pleased by Korean peninsula diplomatic thaw - 2021 Aug 02 

Talisman sabre-rattling and US manoeuvres in the Philippines - 2021 Jul 17 

As US Departs Afghanistan, A Changing Balance Of Forces Emerges - 2021 Jul 12 

US war preparations: push for NATO to expand into Indo-Pacific region - 2021 Jul 01 

Support the strike demands of the Iranian oil and gas workers - 2021 Jun 30 

A Message to the Masters of War - 2021 Jun 12 

Australia’s Triton acquisition serves US imperialism’s war preparations - 2021 Jun 04 

Duterte - a Filipino sell-out - 2021 Jun 02 

Philippines: Is the US looking to change its puppets? - 2021 May 31 

Militarising Space: the strengthening of a regional hub for US-led operations - 2021 May 28 

Kick IAI out of Australia! - 2021 May 26 

ICOR resolution: Condemn the Zionist aggression in Jerusalem and Gaza in Palestine! - 2021 May 22 

Solidarity with the struggle of the Colombian people! Stop the cruel fascist repression by Duque's government! - 2021 May 18 

Victory to the People of Palestine! - 2021 May 17 

ASPI: Speaking for the US on Taiwan - 2021 May 13 

Changing Balance of Forces Between Rival Imperialisms in Our Region - 2021 May 06 

Bringing Antarctica into the new Cold War - 2021 Apr 29 

The US Far Right, Psy-ops and Australia - 2021 Apr 09 

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