Stop the Minerals Council agenda for attacks on the people and the environment.
Written by: Nick G. on 15 June 2020
The ruling class constantly discusses its tactics and refines its agenda in preparation for fresh attacks on the people.
Social, economic and climate crises are favoured moments for such reassessments. The Covid-19 pandemic has been one such crisis, with Morrison giving the green light to industry to “lead the way” out of the crisis with new policy frameworks designed to promote growth in the profitability of major foreign and local corporations.
Earlier this month we analysed new demands (really, attacks) promoted by the Australian Industry Group. But they are not the only ones lining up to tell the government what must be done in the wake of the pandemic.
Greenfields agreements are those negotiated between an employer and a union before the company has started operations. At this stage there are no workers on site and the company can strike a deal with a preferred union and exclude unions it dislikes. Greenfields agreements run for four years at which stage the workers are free to negotiate a new agreement, hopefully with improved wages and conditions. By seeking to extend greenfields agreements for the life of the company’s operations, the MCA hopes to lock workers out of any future claims based on increases in their productivity and on the company’s profitability.
The ten biggest members of the MCA are listed below, with their Australian earnings, tax paid and the rate of tax.
The average tax rate of these leading MCA members is 5.2%. Three paid no tax at all. The MCA, which complains that its members are operating under an internationally uncompetitive tax system, are fleecing the Australian people of billions of dollars in unpaid taxes.
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