We will resist the occupation. We will defend the soil of Kurdistan!
Written by: MLKP on 29 July 2024
(Above: MLKP rally Source:MLKP International Bulletin)
We are making avalable to Australian readers this statement from the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Turkey/Northen Kurdistan (MLKP). We support the right of the Kurdish nation to exist within its own borders and condemn the efforts of Erdogan's Turkey to destroy the Kurdish people. We have added several footnotes for clarity - eds.
The fascist Turkish bourgeois colonial state, with the support of the KDP (1) and the Iraqi government, is expanding its occupation attack on the territory of Bashurê Kurdistan (Southern Kurdistan) (2). Our mountains are being bombed, our villages are being evacuated, our people are being forcibly relocated. A genocidal attack is being carried out with chemical weapons and tactical nuclear bombs.
The Turkish colonial state sees the centuries-old Ottoman dream as the basis for its invasion attacks. It is on its way to annexing the territory from Bashurê Kurdistan to Mosul and Kirkuk. The NATO countries, which recently came together and openly announced their intention to bring the world to the brink of World War III, support the genocidal policy and occupation of the Turkish state. The USA and the Western imperialists assign a special role in its Middle East axis to the Turkish bourgeois state, which is their financial-economic colony.
Together with Israel, which continues its massacres in Palestine, the Turkish state is plunging the Middle East into a great chaos. While sowing the seeds of discord among the peoples, the ground is being prepared for the military base of the imperialist USA in the region.
The Turkish bourgeois state sees war and political chaos in the Middle East and North Africa as support for its goal of becoming a regional power. It is trying to exploit the contradictions between the imperialist USA and Russia. It is pursuing an expansionist strategy with the aim of becoming a regional political player. With a future vision of expanding its territory, it is trying to shift borders. Military bases are being established in the occupied territories from Afrin to Bradost. It stations the fascist political Islamist gangs it feeds and strengthens in the region and establishes a rule of colonial masters.
Fascist leader Tayyip Erdogan, who is planning a new Ottoman Empire, wants to push the borders of Misak-ı Milli. The oil reserves in the region are whetting his appetite. From Aleppo to Mosul and Kirkuk, he wants to realize his annexation scenario, which he could not realize with the ISIS gang, by deploying his own army forces. He is positioning the political Islamist ISIS gangs in Syria and the KDP Barzani family in Bashûrê Kurdistan as collaborators in his colonial plans.
The KDP-Barzani family has deepened the line of collaborationist betrayal. It has sold out the national liberation struggle and the freedom of the people of Bashurê Kurdistan for narrow family interests. It is jeopardizing the federal status of the region. It fills its coffers with the black money it collects from the oil of Bashurê Kurdistan and opens the gates of the Kurdish land to the occupiers. It turns a deaf ear to the calls of our patriotic people to stop cooperating with the colonialists. The KDP line, which reached out to the Turkish state, could not save its arm. Now the Barzanis degenerated into wanting to become a governor of colonialism. If the Turkish state gains full rule over Bashurê Kurdistan, they will not even have as much authority as the trustee of the Hakkari municipality, much less will they be able to maintain their bourgeois rule.
The only force resisting the occupation of Bashurê Kurdistan is the Kurdish freedom guerrilla. In Zap, Garê, Metîna, in the mountains of free Kurdistan, the patriotic and communist guerrilla forces have stopped the invaders with the line of self-sacrificing resistance. They prevented the occupying forces from advancing. The Turkish army, which suffered heavy losses every day, was unable to move without the support of the KDP and the Iraqi government. It therefore began to target the population of Bashurê Kurdistan. By bombing villages and besieging districts, the aim is to force the population to leave and to depopulate the region by setting up checkpoints on the roads.
The Turkish occupying state is trying to turn the Syrian and Iraqi states, which have been colonizing Kurdistan for years, into being complicit in this plan. The weaknesses of the governments in Baghdad and Damascus, which want to regain their power as sovereign states, are to be united in the Turkish state’s policy of hostility towards the Kurds and turned into its reserve. The Assad regime, which is trying to survive in Syria, is offered cooperation for the liquidation attacks against the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. The fascist Turkish state wants to form a colonialist alliance against our women‘s revolution in Rojava.(3) To this end, it invites the regime in Damascus, with which it has established military and intelligence cooperation, to the negotiating table in order to force it to divide the East and West of the Euphrates. The main goal of the colonialist Turkish state is to liquidate the Autonomous Administration and occupy the areas of the revolution in Rojava. The fascist chief regime is taking its steps in line with the plan of annihilation and genocide.
On July 19, the 12th anniversary of the revolution in Rojava, the seeds of greater resistance and glorious victories will be planted. We defeated the colonialists and their gangs in Kobanê in a historic resistance at the cost of the lives of thousands of our people. We defeated them in Sinjar. We defeated them in Garê. Now another legend of resistance is being written in the mountains of Kurdistan.
With the epic resistance power of our people, we will expel the fascist Turkish colonial state from the revolutionary areas of Bashurê Kurdistan and Rojava. Our people in the four parts of Kurdistan must not remain silent in the face of the betrayal and collaborationist line of the KDP. They must put a stop to this insidious occupation complicit. The guerrilla resistance must be strengthened through popular uprisings throughout Kurdistan. With the determined stance of our people and our guerrilla resistance, we will finally put an end to this colonialist war, which the fascist chief regime sees as a struggle for being or not being for itself. Our freedom guerrillas will draw strength from the strong popular actions against occupation and colonialism in Bakurê Kurdistan (4), Rojava, Turkey and the European metropolises and further strengthen their resistance.
The strength lies in our resistant patriotic people. The mountains of free Kurdistan, protected by the blood of thousands of martyrs, and our revolution in Rojava draw their strength from our patriotic people. The history of the liberation struggle of the oppressed peoples has shown that not everything depends on the will of the colonialists.
Now is the time again to start the Serhildan (Kurdish Intifada) (5) for the freedom of Kurdistan and our people. Our people, who never shy away from paying the price, will play this historic role and bury the colonialists in the mountains of Kurdistan. The will of the resistance for honor and freedom will prevail.
We call on all our peoples in Turkey, Iraq and Syria, especially our laboring peoples of the ruling Turkish and Arab nations, to raise the struggle against these genocidal, occupying and colonialist attacks. As long as colonized Kurdistan is not free, no people will be free.
We call on all progressive, revolutionary parties and organizations, democratic mass organizations and dignified intellectuals in the four parts of Kurdistan and the region to stand up against this war and occupation.
This resistance, which draws its strength from its righteousness and its people, will absolutely, absolutely win. Either victory or victory!
Long live the women‘s revolution of Rojava!
Long live our guerrilla resistance!
Long live the anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist united struggle of the peoples of the Middle East!
Long live the united free socialist Kurdistan!
July 18, 2024
MLKP Kurdistan Organization
(International Bulletin of the MLKP, July 2024)
(1) The Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) was established in 1946 under the leadership of Mustafa Barzani. Originally located in Iranian Kurdistan, it is now he ruling party in Iraqi Kurdistan, and is regarded as a populist, conservative organisation – eds.
(2) Bashurê Kurdistan is an internationally recognised autonomous region of northern Iraq, home to 6 million Kurds. Kurdistan spans four countries: Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria -eds.
(3) Rojava is liberated and self-governing Kurdish territory in North-east Syria. It is regularly bombed by Turkish forces -eds.
(4) Northern Kurdistan, or the southeastern part of Turkey, home to nearly 20 million Kurds-eds.
(5) Literally “raise your head”, Serhildan activities are carried out particularly on the anniversary of the jailing of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, and at the Kurdish New Year Newroz festival - eds.
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