CPA (M-L) extends comradely greetings to the Communist Party of the Philippines
Written by: CPA (M-L) on 24 December 2024

Warm congratulations on the occasion of the 56th anniversary of the founding of Communist Party of the Philippines, 26 December. The Communist Party of the Philippines is the leading force in the struggles of the Filipino working people against semi-feudalism, semi-colonialism, bureaucrat capitalism, imperialist domination and the violent puppet Marcus government.
The Filipino people’s daily struggles against exploitation and political repression, and against imperialist domination come together in the powerful united front formed under the revolutionary leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines. This revolutionary leadership is bringing together all sectors of society, workers, peasants, indigenous, educational and health professionals, with a revolutionary vision of land reform, national sovereignty, and socialism.
Whether in the countryside or the cities or in the villages, the Filipino people’s protracted struggle is always fierce. We honour the hundreds of martyrs, the disappeared, the prisoners, and the suffering families and communities of fallen comrades.
We hail the victories of the heroic New People’s Army.
We acknowledge the key role of the great Marxist-Leninist, Joma Sison, in leading and guiding the Philippines revolutionary movement. Steeled in long and bitter struggle and armed with a correct ideological and political line, we are confident that the Filipino people under the leadership of CPP will continue to win further victories leading to the success of the revolution.
Australia is also a Pacific country dominated by imperialism, mainly US imperialism, the core of the capitalist ruling class in Australia. US imperialism is exploiting and suppressing the Australian people economically, politically and militarily and continues the oppressive colonisation of Australia’s First People.
The US led imperialist AUKUS pact and US-Australia military alliance is dragging Australia into US imperialist wars and now is threatening an imperialist war with China. The US and its puppet Australian governments are turning Australia into a major US military base in preparations for war with China. The Australian people are resisting the US led march to war and are building anti-war alliances with the people of Asia-Pacific. Neither the Australian people nor the people of the Philippines want war.
The comradeship between our parties embraces our people’s struggle against imperialism, rejection of imperialist war and building an anti-imperialist united front.
Red salute to the Philippines revolution, to the comrades of the CPP!
Workers of the World Unite! We have nothing to lose but our chains!
Central Committee
Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)
26 December, 2024.
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